“They Say That Constant Effort and Strength are the Key to Unlocking Our Potential”
Tuesday 20 August 2019
Mohamad Jamous, Palestinian Director
For the full-length blog report by Mohamad Jamous on this event, click here, what appears below is a shorter version. Photo Gallery at the bottom of the page.
I have left my home in Jericho for the two-hour drive to Aboud, which is one of the oldest Christian Villages in the world. Aboud has many historic churches and an ancient monastery dedicated to Aboud’s patron saint, Saint Barbara.
Although it has since been restored, in 2002 the Israeli army blew up and destroyed the church at St Barbara’s, claiming that they were unaware of the church’s significance.
Since 1967, Aboud has been under Israeli occupation, and Israel has confiscated Aboud land to construct two Israeli settlements and in 2018, Israeli authorities said that they intend to confiscate more Aboud land to construct an Israeli-only road between these two settlements.
Historically Aboud’s has been a Christian town, but today half of its population is Muslim, and it is regarded as a model of Palestinian Christian-Muslim coexistence.
The road from Jericho to Aboud is very long, and as I drive through the country-side there are vineyards and olive groves, and many other Palestinian villages and Israeli settlements.
When I arrive in Aboud everything is quiet and beautiful, and I wait at the Latin Church for participants to come from all around Palestine for this event.
We are greeted by the priest,
Father Talaat Awwad and Father Salam Haddad, Aboud’s Greek Orthodox priest, and
Sheikh Adnan Diab, the Imam of Aboud’s mosque.
We sit in a circle and I introduce myself as the Abrahamic Reunion’s
Palestinian director and explain how every month we model religious coexistence
by engaging in interfaith dialogue and study at Palestinian holy sites.
Then Father Awad and Father Haddad explain:
Muslims and Christians have lived together in the Middle East for many centuries. Together we have built our homeland, and together we have developed it, and together we will continue. Regardless of our religious and political affiliations we were, and still are the children in one family.
After Father Haddad’s speech, I invite Sheikh Adnan Diab to speak, but before we continue, let me ask you, “Who was released from an Israeli jail just ten days ago?” Sheikh Diab has been in prison for a whole year!
Known for his love of Aboud, Sheikh Diab donated part of his land to build a road so trucks loaded with construction materials could travel to rebuild the Church at Saint Barbara.
Sheikh Diab begins:
“Al-salam alykom ” Peace be upon you. First of all, Christian-Muslim coexistence in Palestine is a strategic choice, from the grassroots to the intellectual elite, this is a choice that cannot be abandoned.
We must not stop at superficial examples of coexistence and tolerance. We must model this relationship in daily human existence….
I thank The Abrahamic Reunion, for the work of promoting and developing spiritual coexistence in Palestine.
Sheikh Diab’s wonderful words inspire peace and love among us and afterwards we study and dialogue with one another as we have refreshments.
Then we toured Aboud and visited The Church of the Virgin Mary, one of the world’s oldest churches.
We also visited the only Mosque in Aboud, and the three caves at St. Barbara monastery, which are an annual pilgrimage site.
Then we traveled to Ramallah to meet Father Abdullah Yulio, and Remon Sabbagh, the Christian youth leader there.
Father Yulio opened the session, then Remon Sabbagh, the Ramallah youth coordinator, gave a speech:
I have known about your beautiful activities in Palestine and abroad by visiting Mohamad Jamous! I love this organization!
Since my youth I have dreamed of meeting a group that would strengthen love and brotherhood between the religions in Palestine.
I, and the members of the Christian Youth, are here with you heart and soul!
I have seen the strength, determination and love in Mohamad Jamous’ eyes!
We will work together in the name of the Abrahamic Reunion to build youth programs and family programs here in Palestine.
I assure you that the Christian youth in Ramallah will actively work with the Abrahamic Reunion!
Now it is evening, and as I say goodbye, I invite everyone to meet again next month!
Mohamad Jamous is the Director of Programs in Palestine for the Abrahamic Reunion. He can be reached at mohamad@abrahamicreunion.org