The Abrahamic Reunion has been invited to speak at Interfaith Tampa Bay’s annual Interfaith Thanksgiving event:
Join Interfaith Tampa Bay for their annual Interfaith Thanksgiving event. This year, we will again focus on the art of storytelling and feature some amazing storytellers presenting on the theme of gratitude and community.
New this year will be a potluck dinner, where guests are encouraged to bring a dish to share (as well as a tablecloth) that represents their family or community.
2018 featured storytellers:
* Shulamit Fagan (Aleph, Multifaith Storytelling Institute)
* Rev. Dr. Doral Pulley (Unity Temple of Truth Church)
* Sheikh Ghassan Manasra (Abrahamic Reunion)
* More TBD
Music by:
* Joran Oppelt (Integral Church, President Interfaith Tampa Bay)
* Sheikh Abed and Isra Manasra
Note: This event is free and open to the public. A collection will be taken for Interfaith Tampa Bay and UUSP.
Please RSVP with how many are attending to