Dear Friends of Peace,

Your donations for peace can be doubled today starting at 8am, thanks to Facebook and PayPal!

This #GivingTuesday we’re raising money for the Abrahamic Reunion and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500, and today, on Giving Tuesday Nov 27, Facebook and PayPal will match up to a total of $7 Million in donations given online through Facebook to US nonprofits.

The matching funds are first come first serve.

So, the earlier you are able to give, starting 8AM EST, the better chance that the AR will get the matching funds. 

Just as helpful as giving online, you can help us by ‘joining’, inviting friends, and sharing it on your page.

Can you support our Facebook matching campaign?

Click Here to donate on our #GivingTuesday Campaign and Have your Money Doubled for Peace! 

Your donation will support a Peace Summit near Haifa and year-end finale event in Bethlehem.

Prominent religious peace leaders in the Holy Land will come together to develop a strategy for creating peace and a new, deeper understanding in their communities and the Holy Land.

Almost 400 people are expected to participate – and even more want to!

Your support is growing the grassroots interfaith peace movement in the Holy Land and around the world, we are so grateful for your contribution.

Click here to go to our Facebook #GivingTuesday Fundraiser

Of course, if you don’t have Facebook but wish to make a Giving Tuesday contribution, please click here.

Thank you, Toda, Shukran,


With Profound Hope,

The Abrahamic Reunion

Contact: Rev. Chris Miller, 941-993-9994,, for more information about our giving campaign and how you can help.